The latest from Wharton
Take five to catch up with the latest news and views from our Natural Advisers.
Are you looking for a new opportunity and challenge for 2022 as we enter a new normal.............We are looking for an enthusiastic, and motivated Landscape Architect to lead the team.
Do you stand out from the crowd and want a challenge to develop the landscape architectural side of a business?
Are you looking for a new opportunity and challenge for 2022, a fresh start to be part of a great team...
We are looking for an enthusiastic, and motivated Administrative Assistant to join our progressive team.
Do you stand out from the crowd and want a challenge to put your stamp on everything to do with the natural and built environments?
In the Arboricultral team here at Wharton we talk a lot about the care of Ancient and Veteran Trees, but do you the know difference?
In the case of Parker v The National Trust and those involved in this judgement, a sensible verdict was reached and one which perhaps marks an evolution for common-sense risk management.
There is no doubt amongst peers and colleagues that Matt Wall is an exceptional technical ecologist, particularly specialising in Biodiversity Net Gain on strategic projects. Matt has driven the direction of the ecology team over the past few years, both in mentoring others and understanding the skills the team needs. His technical ability has also been recognised by our clients who he works with, particularly his pragmatism & understanding of they want to achieve and the ability he has to get the right balance.
Although the country finds itself in uncertain and uncharted territory, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, it is fantastic to see our team pulling together, to deliver projects to our clients efficiently and no one exemplifies this more than James.
Join the team at Wharton as we host the West Midlands only VALID tree risk training with David Evans on 3rd - 4th October 2021 at Ashorne Hill, Leamington Spa
Are you looking for a new opportunity and challenge for 2021 as we enter a new normal... We are looking for an enthusiastic, and motivated Digital Marketer to join our progressive team.
Do you stand out from the crowd and want a challenge to put your marketing stamp on everything to do with the natural and built environments?
Are you looking for a new opportunity and challenge for 2021 as we enter a new normal... We are looking for an enthusiastic, and motivated Principal Arboricultural Consultant to lead the arboricultural team.
Do you stand out from the crowd and want a challenge to develop the arboricultural side of a business?
Are you looking for a new opportunity and challenge for 2021 as we enter a new normal.............We are looking for an enthusiastic, and motivated Landscape Architect to lead the team.
Do you stand out from the crowd and want a challenge to develop the landscape architectural side of a business?
Are you looking for a new opportunity for 2021… We are looking for an enthusiastic ecological consultant to work in our ecology team.
Welcome to Laura Stock who joins the Wharton Team of Natural Advisers
Welcome to Elva Preston who joins the Wharton Team of Natural Advisers
The issue of graduate/entry-level ecologist exploitation is an issue that has been recognised by ecologists for many years now. It’s an issue that the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIIEEM) are aware of, have published InPractice articles on, and are currently actively looking to address and formalise (see here for further information and to get involved with CIEEM on this issue). Due to CIEEM’s internal processes however, any documents need formal approval and this can take some time.
State of the UK’s Woods and Trees 2021 is the first report of its kind laying out the facts and trends on the current state of the UK's native woods and trees.
Is there an ideal time of year to prune a tree?
The short answer to this question is, it depends on the species of tree in question. However, there are definitely some ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ for the appropriate time of year to prune your tree.
Spring flowers are really important for pollinators as they venture out into the spring sunshine from winter hibernation. Pollinators reply on spring flowers to provide them with the nectar and pollen that they require to give them energy.
Although 2020 certainly wasn’t the year that any of us envisioned, with many of us dealing with multiple curveballs that would affect our mental health one way or another we thought it only right to think positive and look at what went well in 2020 and what we are striving toward in 2021 (even though it has started off a but naff).
Are you looking for a new opportunity and challenge for 2021 as we enter a new normal.............We are looking for an enthusiastic, and motivated Landscape Architect to lead the team.
Do you stand out from the crowd and want a challenge to develop the landscape architectural side of a business?
The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) has published a discussion paper looking at how infrastructure development can contribute to protecting the country's natural environment.
Defra has announced a £10 Million Fund to Drive Private Sector Investment in Nature. The recognition that there is a desperate need to invest in nature, biodiversity and the benefits it provides, not only to the natural world but also those people that are surrounded by it, has just got a boost.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) have launched a consultation, from 30 January 2021 to 27 March 2021, proposing a number of changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The majority of these changes relate to policy on quality and design of new developments in response to the recommendations of the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission.
Are you looking for a new opportunity for 2021 as we emerge from lockdown... We are looking for an enthusiastic arboricultural consultant to work in our arboricultural team.
Ever wondered what easy ways you can help to benefit wildlife on your development? Our Ecological Consultant, Hattie Fuller, has provided 5 simple wildlife friendly additions for your development.
Welcome to Dean Hickton who joins the Wharton Team of Natural Advisers
Throughout 2021 the team at Wharton will be delivering FREE CPD via Zoom or other formats of virtual media that you prefer to use. We will also offer in-house training either at your offices or ours once we are able too.
If you are an architect, planning consultant, landscape architect or local planning authority and would like to book your Continuing Professional Development in ecology, biodiversity net gain, arboriculture, landscape design then please get in touch. Simply email and we will be in touch to arrange a suitable date and time.
Would you like to understand more about the interaction between the natural and built environments, and what impact we are currently having on what can be sometimes opposing environments.
Defra has published a new policy document to explain the changes made to the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended). The 2017 Regulations are one of the pieces of domestic law that transposed the land and marine aspects of the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) and certain elements of the Wild Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC)(known as the Nature Directives).
The team at Wharton are all fully refreshed after their Christmas break and can’t wait to carry on and get involved with continuing and new projects!
We want to take this time to ensure all of out clients that through this new lockdown we are still open and able to assist you with your project needs.