Matt Wall, Senior Ecologist at Wharton Natural Infrastructure Consultants Ltd presented at MMBEN’s recent event on Habitat creation for business gain, discussing ways in which large and small habitat interventions on commercial sites can provide significant landscape-scale benefits.
Increasingly businesses are becoming more aware and more diligent about looking after and enhancing the green spaces around their sites or nearby nature reserves. The MMBEN event took place to help guide, educate and offer support to those businesses keen to make a positive impact to the landscape by protecting and enhancing the biodiversity of their sites to benefit both their employees and visiting clients.
Wharton believe that focusing on the natural infrastructure and ecology as an asset and not an obstacle, right from the start of a planning process, ultimately enhances the site development whilst ensuring that valuable natural spaces are protected, enhanced and created. In other words, by considering landscape-scale habitat creation, or as Wharton call it, the Natural Infrastructure, businesses can look to benefit from increased property prices as well as improved health and wellbeing of employees.
“Our mission is to change the way trees and ecology are viewed in planning terms; seeing both as a real opportunity to improve people’s surroundings rather than it being a box to tick or a problem to overcome.” Matt Wall
Wharton provide the land, tree and ecology advice needed to successfully balance commercial, environmental and human needs. This is achieved by combining detailed analysis of the existing, land, trees and ecology with our own expert knowledge. We help turn natural constraints into exciting opportunities. Ultimately, we increase the value of a site at a time when green infrastructure has never been so important.
Wharton manages projects for local authorities and planning departments as well as private estates, property owners, land managers, architects, leisure and educational establishments. We provide independent, impartial guidance and advice to ensure that the value and benefits of the natural assets in their charge are optimised.