Ecological Impact Assessment of a Remant Orchard Site in Evesham

Ecological Impact Assessment of a Remant Orchard Site in Evesham

Project: Ecological Impact Assessment (EIA) of a remnant orchard site in Evesham for construction of four holiday cabins

Wharton Natural Advisor: Matthew Wall, Senior Ecologist

Remnant Orchard.jpg


  • Ecological Impact Assessment Report

 Scope/Scale of project:

To undertake a preliminary ecological appraisal of the site and subsequently provide an impact assessment and enhancement plan to accompany the planning application.


The Site was located within a residential garden which supported remnant orchard habitat that was significantly degrading. The ecological assessment provided mitigation via precautionary working measures for bats, birds, the noble chafer beetle and great crested newt.

An ecological enhancement and management plan was submitted which aims to create orchard habitat with associated wildflower meadow, as well as bee houses and butterfly biomes to restore the former orchard and provide an attractive and relaxing atmosphere for the holiday-lets which is sympathetic to the natural environment..

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