Problem Solving with Arboricultural Assessments: Little Aston

Problem Solving with Arboricultural Assessments: Little Aston

Project: Arboricultural Assessments for a single residential development

Wharton Natural Advisers: Peter Wharton, Director & Jack Barnard, Arboricultural Consultant


  • Tree Constraints Survey

  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment

  • Arboricultural Method Statement

  • Site Supervison 

Endwood Drive development photo.jpg


Initially Wharton carried out the tree survey and following an arboricultural impact assessment, planning permission was granted. However, the project experienced significant delays and expenses following an issue with contracted builders. The works that had been carried out were then deemed to be unsuitable and all construction works had to be demolished and started again. Upon returning to the Site, it became apparent that contracted builders had also caused damage to the rooting environment of protect trees.

To rectify the damage caused by the builders and to ensure that the trees are protected throughout the remainder of the project, it was agreed that the best solution was to create an arboricultural method statement and oversee the excavations for foundations. The method statement set out several solutions aimed at restoring the trees to their former condition.


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