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Sarah Gibson BA (Hons), DipLA CMLI

Associate Landscape Architect


01789 459 458


Sarah is an associate landscape architect to Wharton Natural Infrastructure and collaboratively works with us and is the Director of Mood Landscape. She provides our team with landscape expertise, allowing us to create well informed landscape designs, with practical ecological enhancements and tree planting. As well as creating unique and well designed landscape proposals from single plot designs through to strategic development and landscape visual impact assessments.

At the forefront of all of Sarah’s work is the impact that it will have in terms of peoples connection between built form and the natural environment, its contribution to the wider landscape, and how this can improve peoples health and wellbeing.

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Wharton 101:

  • Favourite kids TV show is DIY SOS

  • As with most of the team at Wharton, her favourite tipple is elderflower G&T on a sunny afternoon (the latter can’t be guaranteed).

  • Her favourite music artist is George Ezra